Perfect Places For A Bridal Shower EventBy mrizalm
If you are planning a bridal shower, you want everything to be perfect. From the theme, to the decorations, to the food, and to the games everything must be just right. With that in mind, special attention needs to also be placed on where your bridal shower will be located. The location of your bridal shower can have a huge impact on how your bridal shower theme turns out. It can also lend itself naturally to some wonderful activities that will be memorable for all that attend.
A Private Home or Apartment
When choosing to have the shower at a private home, the options really are wide open. If you are a traditionalist, then the bridal shower should be held at the maid of honor�s home. It is, however, perfectly fine to have the bridal shower at the home of the bride or at the bride or groom�s parent�s house, or at anybody else�s home you desire. There really are no restrictions as to whose house you can have the bridal shower at. Just be sure to choose a home that is spacious enough to accommodate all of your guests. Don�t forget that the presents will take up space, too! And, somehow, they seem to take up even more space after they are open, so be sure there is plenty of room for the gifts both before and after they are opened. You don�t want to be crowded or cramped in any way.
If you or someone you know lives in an apartment complex, you might also want to look into having the bridal shower on the roof of the apartment. This area is quite spacious and can be a great deal of fun. Empty lofts are another option of living space turned to bridal shower location.
You also need to be sure the home is located somewhere the bride and all of her guests can easily locate and get to. Your home may seem �perfect� in every way, but it won�t matter if no one can find it or if it is so far out of the way that it becomes a hassle.
A Park
A park can offer a pleasant outdoor atmosphere to be enjoyed by all guests. Often, parks have picnic areas that you can use to barbeque some enjoyable treats for guests. A park also lends itself naturally to fun outdoor activities for a �sports� or �outdoors� bridal shower theme.
A Bowling Alley
Many women are choosing to just go out for a night of bowling and pizza for their bridal shower. Typically, this would be a smaller group of women, such as just the bridal party. A bowling alley bridal shower does, however, lend itself well to a co-ed bridal shower because the atmosphere is relaxed and enjoyable for the men, as well.
A Room in the Community Center or a Hall
A room in community center or a rented hall can be great for a bridal shower. Typically, these spaces were designed with special activities such as bridal showers in mind. Therefore, there should be plenty of space available for the
A Bar or Club
Sometimes, there is just nothing better than just going to a bar or club, particularly if those invited to your bridal shower enjoy dancing and having a �girls night out.� Just be sure to only invite those you know would be comfortable in this type of environment. A bar or club is also a good place to have a coed bridal shower.
A Room at Country Club or the Spa
Spending a day at the spa has become an increasingly popular bridal shower trend. This is generally a smaller party, as going to the spa can become quite costly. Often, just the women who are members of the bridal party enjoy this bridal shower. To spend a day at the spa, everyone usually signs up for two or three spa services. The job of the hostess is to ensure the space is available at the spa and to reserve a spot for lunch. At this time, gifts can be exchanged. Or, the guests might combine their money to pay for the spa treatment for the bride-to-be.
A Boat or Yacht
Renting a boat or Yacht for the day can be a great place for a bridal shower. You and your guests can enjoy the scenery and have a great time sailing away. A boat or a yacht can be perfect for a themed bridal shower, particularly if the bride-to-be enjoys sailing or likes gifts with a nautical theme, such as dolphins.
A Restaurant
Restaurant showers are gaining in popularity. This is largely because there is no clean up required afterward and it requires very little preparation. It is customary to pay for the food for guests invited to a bridal shower. You can, however, expect the guests to pay for their own meals and drinks while you provide dessert or a cake. Or, you can put a cap on the spending or only pay for pre-selected foods and drinks. If you won�t be paying for all of the food and drinks, be sure your guests are well aware ahead of time. In fact, this information should be included on the invitation.
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