Cinderella Carriage - Romantic Momentsby Dalvin
Organizing your wedding transportation? There are some things you must consider, regarding the way to get to your church or wedding venue. Even if you are lucky enough to be living close enough to walk to church, you will still need at least one vehicle to get you to your place of marriage. Whether arriving at your wedding in a limousine, a vintage car or in a horse drawn carriage, you will most certainly have to consider cost, distance and style of your choice.
When speaking about the distance to the venue from your home, there are two possibilities; the first one applies when the distance is short, in this case only one vehicle may be necessary, which can do more than one journey. It will take your bridesmaids and mum first and come back for you and your dad or anyone who is giving you away. On the other hand, for venues further away, more than one vehicle will most likely be required.
The most romantic of all drives are the horse drawn, especially the cinderella pumpkin carriages that resemble Katie Price's (AKA Jordan) Cinderella carriage! There is no doubt that most women, as little girls dreamed of riding in one on their wedding day. The only drawback of this Pumpkin Cinderella carriage is that extra time will need to be allowed to get to the wedding venue and then to the reception. They are mainly suitable for short journeys or for the bride and her bridal party who leave early enough to ensure they have enough time to arrive. Another downside is the bad weather that could ruin the whole charm of the Cinderella carriage! It would be a good idea to make sure that the carriage has a protective hood or fitted with glass in case of this eventuality. Some companies may even be able to offer a closed carriage that has built-in heating for winter weddings. Bookings must be made well in advance as summer dates especially can be booked up as far as two years in advance. Some companies will ony travel within a given radius, while others will cover a very wide area. You must also take into account the fact that afterwards the horses will have to be taken back to the stables, so that the whole process including the wedding, can take up to six hours or more, minus the travel time. Each company differs from the other in costs for hiring the horse and carriage and prices often depend on distance they have to travel to get to you. The best way to ensure you get the best deal is to research as much as possible and compare not just prices but service and reputation of the company.
So get your money on hand and get yourself the Cinderella carriage you have always dreamed of!
Celebrity Style Weddings - Party organizers, cakes, decorations,
Pumpkin Cinderella Carriage ;
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Article Source: www.articlebliss.com
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